Association Internationale d’Archéologie de la Caraïbe
Identifiant (dcterms:identifier)
Nom (foaf:name)
Association Internationale d’Archéologie de la Caraïbe
Autre forme du nom (dcterms:alternative)
International Association for Caribbean Archaeology ((I.A.C.A.))
Association Internationale pour l’Etude des Cultures Pré-Colombiennes des petites Antilles
A. I. A.C
Asociación Internacional de la Arqueología del Caribe (A.I.A.C.).
Date de création (bio:birth)
Sources (dcterms:bibliographicCitation)
Willemstad : a road to a methodical way of conducting archaeological research for Curaçao / Victorina Amy ; AIAC : Association Internationale d'Archéologie de la Caraïbe ; Université des Antilles et de la Guyane. UFR des Lettres et sciences humaines ; Musée départemental d'archéologie et de préhistoire (Fort-de-France) ; Association Ouacabou, 2011
fra, consulté le 20230201
Est organisateur de (rdau:P60670)
Willemstad : a road to a methodical way of conducting archaeological research for Curaçao
SIMARC and BONAI youth and archaeology programs for 2009-2011 : an overview of heritage research and preservation activities
Putting tribal policy into practice : conserving Maroon ancestral land
Vivé : centre d'animation et d'interprétation de la culture amérindienne
Facing society : intentional cranial modification in the circum-caribbean
Revisiting the Pre-Colombian Cambridge Hill Cave in Jamaica : the preliminary results of a paleodemographic and paleopathological study
L'ensemble sépulcral d'époque colonial de la Cité de la Connaissance en Guadeloupe
Pre-Colombian human remains from Hellshire Hills in Jamaica : pathological analysis
Networks set in stone : archaic ceramic interaction in the early prehistoric northeastern Caribbean
Archeology of Ilet Oscar, Martinique : a preliminary report
Mode de vie d'une population céramique ancienne de la côte caraïbe du Nicaragua : les vertébrés tétrapodes de l'amas coquiller 4 (KH4) du site Karoline, Kukra-Hill
Carriacou 2011 : a preliminary presentation of some interesting finds
Darts fly like birds : atlatl hooks and other shell artifacts from the Punta Mameyes site, Dorado, Puerto Rico
Spindle whorls and fiber production : evidence from two late ceramic age sites in eastern Puerto Rico
Small vessels, precious contents : miniature pots and ceramic discs from the Punta Mameyes site (DO-42), Dorado, Puerto Rico
De retour à Rorota. Les fouilles préventives du PK 11 dans l'anse de Rémire sur l'île de Cayenne, Guyane française
Un an de prospection à Awala-Yalimapo, les premiers résultats
The human experience of climate variability and environmental change in the Caribbean : a longue durée perspective
Environmental archeology, paleoecology and climate change : a multidisciplinary perspective from Antigua and Barbuda
Looking back to look forward : using archeological research to inform environmental policy
La perception des aléas naturels aux Petites Antilles par les Amérindiens Kalinagos
Lives and archeology of risk : diachronic land-use, settlement and volcanic activity on Montserrat
Post-Columbian archeology in the Barbuda historical ecology project
Landscape change and human ecodynamics in pre-Saladoïd Puerto Rico : the case of Angostura
The wise man builds his house upon the rock : architectural resilience in the Pre-Columbian Greater Antilles
Predictive models, climatic fluctuations, and settlement systems in Pre-Columbian archeology
Paleoenvironmental investigations in Barbuda, West Indies
Slave community foodways on a French colonial plantation : zooarchaeology at Habitation Crève Coeur, Martinique
Loyola : l'habitation des Jésuites en Guyane aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles
Archaeological mitigation of a plantation family burying ground
Archaeological investigations at Betty's Hope plantation, Antigua, West Indies
Becoming free : enslaved and wage laborer lifeways at Green Castle Estate, Antigua
Spaces in between : archaeological investigations at St. Nicholas Abbey sugar plantation
Religion on the plantation : quakers and the enslaved in the 18th century British Virgin Islands
L'alimentation dans les plantations aux Antilles françaises : dichotomie des régimes alimentaires entres colons et esclaves sur le site de Macaille (Anse Bertrand, Guadeloupe)
Archaeology, plantations and slavery in the French West Indies
GHEA et Global Human Ecodynamics
Des cabinets de curiosité aux musées modernes : où sont les objets caraïbes des Petites Antilles ?
Ressources liées
Contenus avec " Organisateur : Association Internationale d’Archéologie de la Caraïbe "
Titre |
Classe |
Archaeological investigations at Betty's Hope plantation, Antigua, West Indies |
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Archaeological mitigation of a plantation family burying ground |
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Archaeology, plantations and slavery in the French West Indies |
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Archeology of Ilet Oscar, Martinique : a preliminary report |
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Becoming free : enslaved and wage laborer lifeways at Green Castle Estate, Antigua |
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Carriacou 2011 : a preliminary presentation of some interesting finds |
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Darts fly like birds : atlatl hooks and other shell artifacts from the Punta Mameyes site, Dorado, Puerto Rico |
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De retour à Rorota. Les fouilles préventives du PK 11 dans l'anse de Rémire sur l'île de Cayenne, Guyane française |
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Des cabinets de curiosité aux musées modernes : où sont les objets caraïbes des Petites Antilles ? |
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Environmental archeology, paleoecology and climate change : a multidisciplinary perspective from Antigua and Barbuda |
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Facing society : intentional cranial modification in the circum-caribbean |
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GHEA et Global Human Ecodynamics |
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L'alimentation dans les plantations aux Antilles françaises : dichotomie des régimes alimentaires entres colons et esclaves sur le site de Macaille (Anse Bertrand, Guadeloupe) |
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L'ensemble sépulcral d'époque colonial de la Cité de la Connaissance en Guadeloupe |
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La perception des aléas naturels aux Petites Antilles par les Amérindiens Kalinagos |
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Landscape change and human ecodynamics in pre-Saladoïd Puerto Rico : the case of Angostura |
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Lives and archeology of risk : diachronic land-use, settlement and volcanic activity on Montserrat |
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Looking back to look forward : using archeological research to inform environmental policy |
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Loyola : l'habitation des Jésuites en Guyane aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles |
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Mode de vie d'une population céramique ancienne de la côte caraïbe du Nicaragua : les vertébrés tétrapodes de l'amas coquiller 4 (KH4) du site Karoline, Kukra-Hill |
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Networks set in stone : archaic ceramic interaction in the early prehistoric northeastern Caribbean |
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Paleoenvironmental investigations in Barbuda, West Indies |
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Post-Columbian archeology in the Barbuda historical ecology project |
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Pre-Colombian human remains from Hellshire Hills in Jamaica : pathological analysis |
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Predictive models, climatic fluctuations, and settlement systems in Pre-Columbian archeology |
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