Implementing cropping systems to improve sustainable agriculture in the tropics and subtropics
Identifiant (dcterms:identifier)
Titre (dcterms:title)
Implementing cropping systems to improve sustainable agriculture in the tropics and subtropics
Titre alternatif (dcterms:alternative)
Mettre en œuvre des systèmes de culture pour améliorer l'agriculture durable dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales
Date (dcterms:date)
12 juillet 2016
Numéro (bibo:number)
Résumé (dcterms:abstract)
In tropical and subtropical climates, sustainable agricultural development is difficult due to pest pressure with favorable weather conditions. Some field trials have shown that among all the summer cover crops tested, sunn hemp can grow vigorously during the rainy summer, cover the ground quickly and densely, and it can produce a large amount of biomass in two to three months. Therefore, growing the sunn hemp cover crop during the off-season harvest and rotation with valuable vegetable crops in the growing season has become a promising growing system under the subtropical climate. Such an outcome could be implemented in Caribbean countries to improve the sustainable development of agriculture.
Conditions d'utilisation (dcterms:rights)
CC-BY-NC-ND - Attribution - Pas d'utilisation commerciale - Pas de modification
Mot-clé libre (dcterms:subject)
Agronomie, agriculture
Type (dcterms:type)
Colloque & conférence
Format (dcterms:format)
Plateforme source (dcterms:provenance)
Bibliothèque numérique Manioc
Public (dcterms:audience)
Public universitaire